Thursday, April 4, 2013

Knapsacks:The Student That I Become

La Reconnaisance
Sammy S. Mallari
Knapsacks:The Student That I Become
The school year has ended, and every student is busy making their Reflective Learning Journal. This journal has made every student to keep track of their activities and performance in every subject. This also has made them to better themselves and made every teacher reflect on their performance to their specific subjects. I teach Chemistry and Values III and I may say, these journals from my students made me aware if I do good or not. Each positive comment made me lift that high and those negative comments made me realize that even though how good I am in my field there is still something that I have to explore or something that needs to be mended for my students’ sake and mine as well.
This is to feature some of the reflective learning journals made by my students, which struck me.
Here are the guide questions that I have given them for a reflection:
1.    What/Who is a Learner?
2.    Did I meet my expectations as a student? To my subject? To my teacher?
Where did I go wrong?
What am I going to do to maintain my standing for what I have now?
3.    Where Am I headed to?

Learning is a process wherein a student is headed to achieve his goals and dreams in life. For me this is an adventure, wherein there are so many roads to be taken, sometimes difficult, sometimes easy, until you reach the finish line. You really have to work hard for it, but once you achieve it is something that no one can take it away from you.
I have met my expectations to my teacher, I already heard from him, that he is a good teacher, that he knows everything. He knows what he teaches. And there are so many students saying that he will do everything for his students to learn, and make those students worst in class better. He can make those naughty students good. Just like me, I’m not good, but now, when he has talked to me, this school year I never visited the POD. I value everything that I’m doing now. He has helped me a lot.
I’m headed to my fourth year, and I will instill in my mind what Sir Sam has taught me. I will do better. I will be a good student. I won’t let the efforts of my teacher be put into waste.
Bernard Jason N. Muñoz
III – St. Philip

Here I am again holding my pen thinking on what to write here on my RLJ in Values. This question is asked, ”What/ who is a learner?” I thought for a while. For me, a learner is the one who knows on how to understand. A learner knows how to listen to their co-learners. A student must know how to understand, respect, and how to deal with his fellowmen.
Yes, I met my expectations as a student, not just in this subject, but also in our teacher. On the first grading period, I didn’t expect that this subject would be this great. This is the only subject wherein I can share my feelings regarding my family and friends. I can relate in every lesson. Thanks to my teacher because he taught me how to forgive and forget. Through his advices, it leads me to the right path of forgiving those people who did me wrong. I t lightens me, and lifts me up.
I know I had done mistakes in my studies, wherein I got low grades which made my rank in class go lower. I didn’t do anything to maintain my standing and I regret all the things that I have done. I wasn’t able to be in the achievers but at least, it’s now a lesson learned. The most important thing is I learned from my mistakes and I will not do the same thing when I reach 4th year.
I’m heading to a new life. I’m heading into something new. I will change for the better and I am ready for the next chapter of my life. I am ready to be a senior. A more improved and a more responsible person. Who will not have a high confidence level? This is the new me.
Gernica A. Timoteo
III – St. Philip

For me, a learner is someone who is studying in order to attain success in the future.
I am a learner therefore, I still have many things to learn and to do. I have many expectations during the first quarter especially to our teacher which is also our adviser. I expect that our teacher is very nice but he gave me more than I ever expected. He supports me in every decisions that I take and corrects in my every mistake. He has been helpful to me and my future.
Sir Sam really changed me compared to what I am in the past. I learned to be more responsible in everything that I do. I am going to be a better person, and I have learned from my past mistakes, and I should maintain my standing from now.
In the future, I will do my very best to apply everything that my adviser taught me. I am very lucky because I never thought that one man can change me from the past and up to now. He has made me realize that God will be there to guide me.
Charlene R. Ayen
III – St. Philip

This is my last journal and I think the most memorable. I learned and still learning in my everyday life as a student. First and foremost, a learner is an individual who can capacitate his/her own knowledge through his/her own understanding based not only from the book, but also through experience. A learner for me is an individual who is still living, and experiencing the beauty of life. He/she is still learning from his/her curiosity; a learner is not only a student in school but a student in everyday living.
My expectations in chemistry were not all good. In my first day I thought that, like any branch of Science, Chemistry is a torture. And I was wrong, chemistry was great, it is not only based through the book. I learned from each discussion by the sharing of each of us. Through the end, I expected that chemistry will be just in its smooth flow. I met this expectation. I enjoyed listening and also I enjoyed being a part of our Transfer Task. I can’t say anything about our teacher, he did all his best and he was excellent for his efforts.
For me, I went wrong through this quarter, because I didn’t exert all my efforts in participation.  Surely, I did my best in answering all the questions regarding each discussion. I can maintain my standing through preparing every day and still be active in learning what I read and hear through discussion. I am still heading the right path, because I know that God is there to lead me.
Kent Michael G. Sunglao
III- St. Andrew

For me, everyone is learner. Myself, my classmates, my family and even my teachers, they are all learners. Learning is a longtime process that even you graduated it will not stop. Learners are able to learn in every place where we are taught by our parents. There are lessons that we need to learn that we ourselves can find it. Schools do not provide all the lessons that we need to learn in our life. That’s why we must explore and experience many things. Learners are able to learn from their failures and mistakes. Everyone suffers failure but we must be optimist because these mistakes can help us be a better person.

As a normal person, we look forward on what will happen in the future, that’s why we expect. I have many expectations in my life because I always want to have a good future. As a student, I expect that I will be more patient, friendly and think before doing something. I did not meet all my expectations because I became more careless and does not think what will happen if I do a certain action. In my subject, all of my expectations are right. It will be more on computation and less items to memorize. I also expected that I will be nervous when I answer a quiz or a test in chemistry. My teacher exceeds my limitations. I never expected him to be like what he is. He opens himself to everyone, you can share your problems and he gives advices or solutions. Before he gives an advice, he lets you tell your story, then after that, he will ask, “What do you want to do?” “Are you sure?” “How do you feel about that?” And he will say, “I’m only here to give you an advice, but the next thing is yours. You’re still be the one to solve your problem. The choice is yours. So think about it many times. And follow your heart.” His life does not revolve on money but on the people around him.  The one thing I never expect is that he forgives. He said that God forgives him in his every mistake that’s why he does the same. He forgives and forgets and does not plant any hatred in his heart because he is not a farmer.

I know that I have done many mistakes in my life. I never prioritize the feelings that someone would have if I have done something wrong. I am very sorry because it’s my fault and I never realized it. This quarter, I am satisfied on what is happening right now, I have good scores in quizzes and activities, I had the opportunity to take the test early. We submitted our Transfer Task on time. I will make sure that this will be put into action. I will never change who I am. I will not do anything to boast myself. And I will prioritize others. This is what I will do to maintain what I have now.

I hope through all these, I will have a harmonious relationship to all the people around me. I also hope this will lead to calmness and rejoice of my emotions and spirit. I am heading  to a state that all my mistakes will help me maintain who I am and what I have now.
Jimcarl R. Murilla
III – St. Andrew 

If we build students in the future, they also build us. Every words written in their journals, are reflections of what they have become during their stay with us. Truly, they will not remember the lessons that we taught them but they will remember how we have dealt with them. We must not only fill their minds but their hearts as well…   

I Am A Teacher: I Live, I Love, I Learn, I Leave A Legacy

La Reconnaisance
Sammy S. Mallari
I Am A Teacher: I Live, I Love, I Learn, I Leave A Legacy
I am a teacher. What am I here for? For what purpose? How do I want to be remembered?
This is to share with you one of the topics I discussed during the OSA Leadership Seminar-Training for the officers of the different club organizations with the theme; “The Leader In Me: I Live; I Love, I Learn; I Leave A Legacy”. I got this from a book that I have read; “The Leader In Me”. This is one of Sean Covey’s books which had inspired me a lot.  Thinking of a topic for a seminar is never easy. It took me a month to come up with a topic, until I read Sean Covey’s book.
Here are some points:
There comes a time in a person’s life when they stop and reflect, and maybe realize what they stand for…their legacy.
The Seven Principles of Leaving a Legacy:
1.    Know thyself.
There comes a time when we realize it’s time to look in the mirror instead of blaming others for our circumstances. It is us who writes the story of our life. What we are is because that is what we want in our life. You have a choice. The price of greatness is RESPONSIBILITY.
2.    Don’t judge, seek to understand.
More is gained from listening and seeking to understand others than from judging them and burning bridges. If you want to see the brave look at those who can forgive, always remember…people don’t jump out of bed in the morning thinking…”How can I mess up today?” Generally, we all have positive intentions even though it may not seem so… Don’t judge or assume…instead, come to understand.
3.    Know your impact.
There comes a time in a person’s life when they stop and reflect, and maybe realize that their actions really do have an effect on others....knowing that what goes around, comes around. True leaders know they can be viewed as through a fishbowl. Mindful that their actions may be magnified. All good comes because someone somewhere led by example. Leaders must be able to move human hearts. Whatever you do to someone though how little it is, has been written down not only in somebody else’s life, but yours as well. Be an inspiration.

4.    Letting go.
The more that we try to control everything around us, the less control we really have. Let us not find ourselves in others. Happiness can only exist in acceptance…Let go.
5.    Others always have a choice.
There comes a time when we discover that life is not all about “ME”…but rather about stopping, listening, and realizing that life is a two-way street. It is a terrible thing to look over your shoulder when you are trying to lead and find no one there. Others always have a choice to follow you or not.
6.    They need what you need.
There comes a time in our lives when we realize that we are not really all that different. We all share the common need to accomplish, serve, be told the truth, be valued; and maybe even be the reason for someone else’s happiness. Embracing our common humanity takes the courage to be vulnerable. The ability to recognize we don’t have all the answers…willingness to be told and tell the truth. Great leaders inspire because they embrace this common humanity. At the end of the game the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
7.    Care for the heart.
There comes a time when we spend more time being grateful for what we have than complaining about what we don’t have. A grateful heart is often a healthy heart…physical health, emotional health, spiritual health. How are you taking care of your heart?

I know, with the trainings that I have given my students, I have made them realize the importance of everything that they do. That they are needed and wanted. I have lived to love what I am doing for I know someday these will be reflected in the kind of leaders that I produce every year. And with them I was able to know myself more, and learn that I can do more. I have moved forward, I have given it all…I’ve done my tasks inspite of the many obstacles on my way…I have stood it all for I know GOD is there guiding, and leading me. My students are my inspiration…I stood still…These student leaders come and go….I’m happy for I know, as they go….as they leave, they will be reflections of a true leader. That would be my legacy…And they would proudly say…”I Live, I Love, I Learn, I Leave A Legacy…We can do it…We are GOOD Leaders…

“Your vision will become clear
only when you look into your heart;
who looks outside dreams
who looks inside awakens”
Carl Gustav Jung

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

La Reconnaisance

I Look To You
After All My Strength Is Gone
In You I Can Be Strong
I Look To You,
And When Melodies Are Gone In You I Hear A Song
I Look To You...
Going back since the first day I step on this ground (SAAP), it never came to my mind that someday I would be the HS Student Activity Coordinator. On my first interview, that was with the HS principal Sr. Myra, she said, "You came just in time. You're heaven sent." Hearing those words from a person whom i have first met made myself confident, and made me think, "I am very much welcome here."And during my interview, with our school director, he asked me if  I can be a Science Coordinator, and I readily said yes.... and the rest is history. Being a newbie as they say is no problem with me because I was able to mingle with the SACs, and the different HS teachers...A good start....
As a SAC, I began my tasks by reviewing the Science Curriculum, go over with the LPs as well as the Science Laboratory Room. It was never hard for me because the other SACs as well as the Science teachers are cooperative with me. I have done my job well and made a name for myself...The SAAPSSC (St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga Science Study Club) was born....A fresh start for me...too many members and good and active set of officers....I was able to train them well and imparted in them what I know about organizing a club...Then the Science Month started it all....With the interpretative dance competition as well as the song writing competition has made the Science month celebration memorable. With the different actitivities of the club and the department, i made my self to be with my officers as often as i can to discuss every details of the club's projects. It was never easy, but I am lucky for having good and responsible officers....
Being with these officers have made me closer to them...they have come to know me better...until my club president started calling me "TATAY"....It's not a new word for me, but hearing this form my student made me feel more respected and trusted...It became the word of mouth of my students and now, it's everybody's...I am now their "TATAY" and they became my children...
As I Lay Me Down
Heaven Hear Me Now
I’m Lost Without A Cause
After Giving It My All

Winter Storms Have Come
And Darkened My Sun
After All That I’ve Been Through
Who On Earth Can I Turn To?
But as they say, no matter how good and active we are, time comes when we burn out...In the last few months of 2011, I have seen things differently. I felt I'm at a lost, and finding answers to my questions are never easy...Although i have loved my work, and I feel blessed and happy with my students, there's another part of me who seeks something that I myself finds it unusual...There is emptiness and I felt alone in my undertakings...  the STEP-UP....AUF....the outreach.....Is it worth?
'bout To Lose My Breath
There's No More Fighting Left
Sinking To Rise No More
Searching For That Open Door

And Every Road That I've Taken
Led To My Regret
And I Don't Know If I'm Go'n Make It
Nothing To Do But Lift My Head
I came to realize, no matter how good your intentions are, there will always be hindrances that will come your way. NEGATIVITY...a worst stole the happiness in patience.....the faith in energy.....myself......Fighting over myself is the hardest, i will...i won't......I love my students.....I want to move out....I love my career....I want to go.....Where wil I stand?
My Leeves Are Broken
My Walls Are Coming Down On Me
My Rain Is Falling
Defeat Is Calling
I Need You To Set Me Free
Take Me Far Away From The Battle
I Need You
Shine On Me!
Words spread that I'm leaving....Every now and then people come to my office and had a talk with me....A student said, "You told me, i should not give up. Then, why are you giving up?" (sabi mo sa akin wag ako susuko, bakit ngayon sumusuko ka?)...A slap on my face....Another one asked, "To whom will I talk to when I have problems? What will happen to me now? You cheat..(sino na ang lalapitan ko pag may problema ako? Ano na ang gagawin ko ngayon? Ang daya mo)...It hurts...A senior said, "What will happen to what you have started? They will just be put into waste." (ano na mangyayari sa nasimulan mo...mababalewala lang)..I never thought about it....A girl said, "What will happen to the next batch? Who will replace you here? You're the best.. (anong mangyayari sa susunod na batch? sinong papalit sa'yo dito, napakagaling mo)...another one said, "What will happen to the outreach. You told us we will go back there." (ano na mangyayari sa outreach, sabi mo babalik tayo dun)...and these words touched me so much...."Whom are we going to visit here? You're leaving. We have so many good memories here" (sino na dadalawin namin dito, aalis ka na.marami kami magaganda alaala dito)...
Every day of my life, i always think of those words uttered by these students. It's never easy to make a decision, because whatever I choose, it will affect so many people. These young minds who look up to me, not only as their teacher, their friend, and their father as well. The bond that i have made with them has made a mark in their hearts, and they are looking forward of my presence...
‘Til one day I came to realized that I have to hold on to for my beloved students and my friends as well. I found the light to life, and my faith kept me alive. I picked myself back, and was able to find another hope in my heart. My heart keeps telling me, that this is my home...And finally I have decided to stay. How I thank God for giving me a glimpse of myself, and made me realize where I must really be.
God will make a way 
Where there seems to be no way 
He works in ways we cannot see 
He will make a way for me 
He will be my guide 
Hold me closely to His side 
With love and strength 
For each new day 
He will make a way 
He will make a way 

By a roadway in the wilderness 
He'll lead me 
And rivers in the desert will I see 
Heaven and earth will fade 
But His Word will still remain 
He will do something new today.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

La Reconnaisance

God will always make a way, and will always provide for He knows what we need.
To God be the glory for He let us weather the storm and gave us the victory. 
It was never my dream to be a teacher but a priest. When I was a child, when I am with my playmates I always act as a priest or a teacher. During those childhood years, it never dawn on me, that I would be in this field of work. Since I put my foot on my first school, which is Jose Rizal College (now, Jose Rizal University) life has never been the same for me. Though I graduated as a Chemical Engineer, and worked for a manufacturing company in Manila and had a high salary, it doesn’t matter because I am happy with what I am doing now.
In school, I had a share with my students’ life; their problems: broken hearts, parents lack time with them, failing grades and lots more. I became to realize the importance of my work as a teacher. I do not only teach my subject but I put light in their world. I had filled the emptiness in their lives for they had someone who listens when they need someone to talk to. They had a shoulder to cry on. Someone whom they can lean on in times when a storm comes. It was never easy...When you give advises to these kids, you really have to weigh things out. You must always keep within the line or you might be misunderstood.
My eighteen years in this profession had made me where I am now. I have gained not only my students’ respect but also my colleagues. I really love being with my students...It’s like my home is school and i really love teaching, that even Saturdays and Sundays I go to school just to finish my work in my office. I just couldn’t finish these office work ‘coz I have to go to my class for my students’ sake. My students have been giving me the energy to keep with the pace of my work and be creative as i can be. I don’t have problems with my teaching and my students ‘coz I can always handle any situation. I just really thank God for giving me that side of me who can always deal with any kind...
I can say,God has been leading me where I must be. He let me take the road wherein I can find the happiness that I have right now. ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

La Reconnaissance

Row, row the boat.....
Abraham Lincoln once quoted,“Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.”

Augustinians are people who always strive for excellence. It is in their hearts to always give the best in everything that they do. It is their nature to always put GOD in whatever undertakings they have, and let the LORD lead them in their endeavours. It is an Augustinian culture to learn to row in every boat they’re put into, and let GOD row the boat with them. For they know everything is possible with GOD as long as you have faith in HIM.

This school year 2010-2011, Augustinians have “row the boat in different seas”, and landed to different lands...some have won, while some have lost... And despite the large waves on their journey they were able to reach their port. And the most important thing in these competitions is that they had the time of their life and got into something worth keeping for.Congratulations Augustinians!!! Keep the Augustinian spirit shine...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Philip's Voices.....

This video is about the letters written by my students to their parents. A touching and heartwarming video of how a young man narrates his longing for his mom whom he had not seen since he was a he wants to feel his caress and love..a promise of a young man not to give his mom headaches anymore because of the wrong things he is a student says sorry  for not doing good in a student felt sorry for not meeting his dad's they show their love to their parents that even though they always give them problems, they really love their parents...that they are sorry.....

Dear GOD.....

This video is about some letters written by my students to GOD...These letters made me discover who really they are, and what they hope for the future. In their young minds echoes simple dreams but it's their hearts that speaks...