I never thought that I would be as close to this person in my entire life. I never had a chance of being close to such a guy who treasured me as his real son. I'm glad that I had known him and gained his trust for he made me for what I am now. I'm very lucky for knowing him for he had imparted to me what he knows in every aspects of life-realities of life. He let me discover myself more and improve for the better. He is always there to guide me on the right path; a shoulder to lean on and he always lift me up for my every fall. Because of this, I regarded him as my father and I can say that he is a person that i cannot live without.
I have known him for almost three years now. When I first met him in school, I had the jitters. He had a loud voice and he never smiled. He led the prayer, then he introduced himself. He is Mr. Sammy S. Mallari, our teacher in T.L.E. I. The Science and T.L.E. Coordinator of Philippine Tiong Se Academy. A chemical Engineering graduate of the Technological Institute of the Philippines. He took his 18 units of education at the National Teachers College and his Master of Arts in Education major in Mathematics at Jose Rizal University. He is teaching for almost 15 years now, handling Chemistry and Physics subjects. He is now at his 7th year at Philippine Tiong Se Academy. He just loved to read books, especially Science, Mathematics and cookbooks. He has his own small library at home and a collection of original inspirational movies which he watch whenever he is alone. Some of his favorites are "Chariots of Fire", "Finding Forrester", "Dead Poet Society", "The Emperor's Club", and "Good Will Hunting". These movies inspire him to better his craft. He was one of the semi-finalists in the poetry writing contest at poetry.com. Two of his poems are "For Someone Who Could Never Be Mine" and "The Woman In You", which are still online. As far as I know he is the only Filipino author there.
This man dreamt of serving the Lord when he was young. He dreamt of being a priest, but it did not materialize because his parents don't want him to. He said that whenever he and his friends play, he acted as a priest and teacher. He had fulfilled the other one, being a teacher. He said that he is happy with his life now, being single. He preferred to be alone. He teaches well, you can easily understand him because he will show all the techniques needed and the possible solutions to such problems. He will never leave a lesson until his students understand. You can never see him sit in class. He talks loud and clear. This man is kind, he talks what he feels and sensitive to the needs of his students. He always say that only practice will make us learn. Eventhough he teaches or he gives us everything, if we don't allow ourselves to learn, we will not pass. And only us can better ourselves. His favorite quotations, "Be the best of whatever you are, for life comes only one. Once it passed, it never turns back."and "In every boat you're put into you must learn how to row, for there will be no one who will row the boat for you on the other end of the road." And "If everything went out of your expectation, look up in heaven and say, "THY WILL BE DONE."
"Tatay" is the word that students utter whenever they see him. A word that I know is given to a head of a family. When I heard that I asked myself why do they utter such a word. As days passed by, I learned that he really is a "tatay" to every student.He cares a lot for his students. He always give attention to those who are unnoticed. Other teachers give attention to the good ones, but him, he cares to everyone especially those whom they call; "pasaway" and "bobo". For him they are special. He is loved by everybody, both elementary and high school. I realized that what they say about him is true when we became close. A good teacher with a heart. He handles free tutorials in Mathematics and Science to those who cannot pay a tutor. He meant what he say. When he say it, he will do it. A man with a word. A man worth respecting and treasured.
But now, I think I'm in a worst nightmare. Things have changed. I can see a new "tatay" now. He seems different. He is still the same man with a word, but he is very strict now. He still care to his students, but to a chosen few whom he call trusted. He still teaches well, his voice still loud and clear. He still entertains questions but to a limit. He entertains questions only in class and in his time of work. Unlike before, you can call him anytime. The doors closed.When i asked him about it, he said that he is tired of giving and doing what is good to his students because they don't seem to care. He had lost trust to these people. I can say, that I am lucky because I treasured him much and still have his trust. I pray to God that he will regain his trust to his students. I want the old "tatay" back.
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